I‘m a mum first and foremost and know life's daily challenges. Most of us need to work, parent, maintain relationships, cook, clean and keep up with life admin.
I totally understand a coaching session may not be a priority on your to-do list, but it should be! Believe me, and it’s life-changing! Prioritising coaching will enable numerous benefits for you and your child. Coaching provides valuable support, guidance and practical strategies to navigate the unique challenges that come with raising a neurodivergent child. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
Life and Mindset Coaching is a process enabling personal development using tools, strategies and awareness to empower them to move forwards in their lives. A coach bridges the gap between where you are and where you want to be In your life.
I am a Life and Mindset Coach specifically for parents of neurodivergent kids. I have real-life experience of being a mum to a neurodivergent child, as well as a neurotypical child. I’ve been overwhelmed, anxious and felt judged. I’ve been through the process of a diagnosis along with all the debilitating emotions this comes with feeling like I can barely keep my head above water. I’ve come out the other side and want to share my knowledge and strategies with you. It will empower you and improve your life! I also know that you need someone who truly gets it.
I have cultivated my research, knowledge and a keen interest in psychology, generational beliefs, social influence, CBT and talking therapies to create my five-step plan. This Is delivered in a 5-week intensive 1:1 program which will get you to re-evaluate your thinking and support your growth in understanding, acceptance and healing.